Metamath Blueprints

These are blueprints for Metamaths.

The database only includes fully validated and verified theorems. However, in many cases, it is interesting to discuss the path forward, and e.g. definition choices. This has been done using commented out theorems in the database, but blueprints might be an alternative.

In the Metamath community, there are both:

In some cases people fall in both categories, but not always.

Blueprints is a way to help communication:

How to create and use blueprints

Simply edit the files in this repository. They will be compiled and displayed in You can contribute via commits or PRs.

One directory represents a project, and each file in that directory represents a definition or a theorem. Files are in the markdown format, with a TOML front-matter, which might contain following optional fields as in:

type = "Theorem"
reference = " Theorem 11.29 of [Schwabhauser] p. 102."
dependencies = ["isleag", "isinag"]
statement = "|- ( ph -> ( <\" A B C \"> ( leA ` G ) <\" D E F \"> <-> E. y e. P ( C ( inA ` G ) <\" A B y \"> /\\ <\" A B y \"> ( cgrA ` G ) <\" D E F \"> ) ) )"
state = "ReadyForProof"

The rest of the file can include e.g. an informal description of the proof or any useful hints.

Definition of Key-Value pairs


A string giving the type of the statement. Possible values are:


An optional string giving the textbook reference for the statement. Usually a book, a url, with page and/or theorem number. This can be formatted as a Metamath bibliographic reference.


An optional array of strings, either they exist already in the database which serves as a hint for the proof or they link to a lemma not in the database, with either statement or proof formalized or neither.


An optional string containing the Metamath statement. The quote symbol (") and the backslash symbol have to be escaped with a backslash (resp. \" and \\).


An optional string giving the current development state of the statement. The following state values are acceptable: